Picking Companies Like Armstrong for Steam Traps That Fit Your System

When you are running a plant that more or less relies on steam energy to function, you need the proper flow amount to be at optimum efficiency. An article in the PlantSupport.com website contends:

Proper steam trap sizing is a critical factor in obtaining efficient and reliable steam trap operation. Incorrect steam trap sizing can negate proper trap design, installation, and can cause condensate backup, steam loss or both.

Steam trap sizing is sometimes mistaken for selection of the steam trap connection size. Rather it is the proper sizing of the internal discharge orifice. (For low pressure steam heating systems, manufacturers produce steam traps with connection sizes that relate directly to capacity, orifice size). However, an industrial steam trap must be sized by selecting the proper discharge orifice. A two-inch steam trap can have the same condensate capacity as a steam trap with a half-inch connection. Once the condensate capacity is determined and the proper orifice size is calculated, the steam trap connection size can then be determined to meet the installation requirements.

When it’s an industrial plant you are operating, working on the various systems is all but an exact science. There are hundreds of feet of piping interspersed with gallons of tanks and endless numbers of braces to keep them all together. However, completing the grid work and containing the steam will require the help of reputable manufacturers, including Armstrong for steam traps, which are perfect for the job. Acquiring such tools will be possible with a trusted supplier like ALB Industrial Inc.

There are factors to consider in choosing the proper steam traps for the plant. These include maximum steam temperature and pressure, operating pressure, the inlet pressure to the steam trap, and max/min condensate pressure, among others, the article states. The first three can be determined by system specifications but the condensate parameters must be calculated using thermodynamic equations. Back pressure is also something to watch out for.

A consultation with a customer representative, as well as sharing your proposed system data, may help steer your decision-making towards the steam traps made by Armstrong International. The traps operate on inverted-bucket, float, or themostatic principle.

A popular fairy tale’s line reads, “if the shoe fits, wear it.” In the case of figuring out the right Armstrong steam trap your plant needs, that line does apply.

Info Article

(Article Excerpt and Image from Proper Methods for Steam Trap Sizing, Plantsupport.com)

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