Steam Temperature Regulators

The consistent rise of the cost of fuel continues to increase the importance of being able to control the production and use of heat closely and effectively. With the use of temperature regulators, energy can be sufficiently utilized with zero to minimal energy wastage, while a number of processes with specific temperatures required are being completed.

Steam temperature regulators are used for close control of steam and liquid applications where temperatures are produced and controlled. Temperature controlled steam traps are ones that use these regulators and are perfectly set up for reducing the steam consumption at steam main and steam tracing lines, thus ensuring a significant amount of energy savings.

The regulators provide stable and modulating control within close tolerances. This means that during steam storage or steam load applications that are at a consistent level, they regulate it at set values. For steam load applications that vary, they are able to operate within a temperature band which is very narrow.

Just as there are steam traps that are designed for use in different industrial applications, there are also different types of temperature regulators that can be used in a steam or hydronic system. These include pilot operated temperature regulators, direct operated temperature regulators, and self acting regulators.

At A.L.B. Industrial Supplies, Inc., we offer a range of steam traps and steam temperature regulators, most of which are almost always in stock and ready for immediate delivery anywhere in the country, and with no minimum purchase needed. We offer products from many of the leading manufacturers in the industry, such as Spirax Sparco, Hoffman Specialty, and Nicholson Steam Traps, among many others.

We invite you view our products page or contact us now at 718-253-5343. Alternatively, request a quote for your steam trap and temperature regulator needs by filling out our online form.